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Inquisitr. com
Hits 274   /  

The Inquisitr offers a better mix of news, sport, tech, entertainment, heath, science and odd + funny stuff from across the globe....

Category : News, News Blog
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CitySearch . com
Hits 372   /  

Use Citysearch® City Guides to get reviews, recommendations and directions to the best hotels, restaurants, events, night clubs, shops, services and more....

Category : Reviews, Search
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MSN . com
Hits 300   /  

MSN is Microsoft's portal, offering MSNBC News, sports, MSN Money, games, videos, entertainment & celebrity gossip, weather, shopping and more great content....

Category : E-mail, News
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Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast)
Weather . com
Hits 313   /  

The Weather Channel and weather.com provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weatherradar, report and hurricane coverage....

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RottenTomatoes . com
Hits 391   /  

Movie Trailers, Movie Reviews and New Movie Previews from Rotten Tomatoes - The Ultimate Movie Reaction Site!...

Category : Movies, Multimedia, Reviews
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Time Magazine . com
Hits 293   /  

Breaking news and analysis from TIME.com. Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news....

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About . com
Hits 327   /  

About.com is a valuable resource for content that helps people to solve the large and small needs of everyday life....

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